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The Sims 4’s latest patch fixes floating objects, updates Grim’s look and makes travel easier

The Sims 4’s latest patch – version 1.112.519.1020 on PC, 1.112.519.1220 on Mac, and 2.06 on console, if you’re interested – has arrived. And while that long string of numbers and the prospect of a few bug fixes here and there isn’t exactly enthralling, it is crucial for ensuring a more enjoyable experience and quashing those literal irritations that sometimes occur. So, let’s dig into the changes in the latest update.

Floating objects are (hopefully) no more in The Sims 4

Several players saw many objects floating about in The Sims 4, like cups, plates, flower pots, crates and other household objects. I know what you might be thinking. No gravity-bending shenanigans were going on. This wasn’t supposed to happen. With the latest patch, that should no longer be the case, with your Sims’ fine dining set sitting atop the table as it should. Speaking of objects behaving properly, festival objects should no longer overlap in San Myshuno.

The team also highlighted a few changes that weren’t covered in the previous update, though you might have noticed them. For instance, hover tips now show up quicker when your mouse moves over them. That’s no doubt a welcome addition to speed everything up a bit. Sticking with quality of life changes, a quick click on your Sim now allows you to access travel, making it more straightforward. Another likely welcome change is the ability to update traits and aspirations after finishing Create a Sim Stories.

There are no floating objects in this The Sims 4 kitchen

Elsewhere, Grim has received a facelift. The team has added extra detailing to his robe and given him skeletal figures to suit his general look. I’m sure he’ll appreciate being made more spooky.

And that’s all of the major changes. If you want to check out the full list, head over to the official website for all the details. Likewise, if you spot any problems yourself, feel free to report them on the EA Forums.

Meanwhile, The Sims 3 is currently having a sale, so if you still dabble in both games, check that out.

For Stephen, the best way to escape the stresses and strains of real life is by helping his Sims battle through them. Do as I say, not as I do, my little friends.

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